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Wintry did a walkthrough and played Precious things over on their channel. It was fun to see them work through character creation to make Zubi!

I have run two games of this now with my kids and their friends, it goes down a treat. This has been their introduction to TTRPGs and I couldn’t be happier about it!


That's wonderful to hear!


That's exactly why we made it! So glad to hear it's working!

Looks great! You could make it more specific for a solo play.


Awesome game, and it was a pleasure getting to check it out for the TTRPGkids site!!  AND YOU PUT OUR TACO DRAGON ON YOUR PAGE!!!  That makes me REALLY happy!!!  

I've got a full review on TTPRGkids here, and I highly recommend giving this game a try:

I had an idea for a game just like this a few months ago! Now I find out it already exists. 🎉 Thank you for the lovely game! The art is so cute, too.

If its not too much of a bother, I would really love a color version of the foldbook. Perhaps without the tan background to save on ink. 

Done! There's now a color version of the print at home foldable books!

WOO! Thank you! Going to print this now :) 


Precious little dragons! I want them all! 🐲 What about international shipping fees, is it included in the $7 price? Does a dragon will fly to my house to deliver me this cute little stickers sheet?


The international fee is covered by the 7$ yes! Unless we can find a dragon that lives in an airport and doesn't hoard envelopes - then we'll give it to them to bring directly to you.

Oh, dragons are truly nice these days! Thanks!

Can't wait to receive these cute little stickers! (I don't know what's the above "deleted post" is; I didn't see that and hope it was not important?)


It was a reply to your question, not sure how it got deleted, sorry for the delay.


My family had a delightful time playing Precious Things! My kiddo and her mom ran rampant through their local library’s game night on a mission to acquire the perfect dice and markers for their hoards, respectively. Chaos ensued. Cats were involved. The mission was successful!

If anyone would like to hear more details and/or catch our full review, the actual play can be found as episode 21 of the Almost Bedtime Theater podcast:


Its a great listen! And a great way to hear how the game plays, and how character creation goes! Thanks so much

Will the sourcebook happen through a somesort of campaign (itch or other platform)?

It will be a Kickstarter by Wet Ink Games,  with an anticipated launch in late 2024! You can keep track of that project and follow the writing and design process on my website at

Thank you very much! Ill def be following this, and very interested in the future kickstarter.

Heya! I am a bit confused about the itchfunding. Is it to make a full length sourcebook or just for the stickers? Best regards!

It is just to fund a sticker run. The full sourcebook will happen no matter if the itchfunding succeeds or not

Ah! Thanks for clearing that up!

This is such a well made, beautiful Game. Thank you!

Thank you so much! What kind of dragon will you make?